Sunday, February 17, 2008

Xia Xiaowan

In Xia Xiaowan's show, "Painting From the Inside," "painting" is conceived of as both as a physical act and artistic outcome. Under such a pretext, Xia Xiaowan's works seek to investigate and question the essence of painting as well as the process of creation, sensual perception and our observation of reality.

I was amazed. At first sight I could not recognize how it was made. Even Damien Hirst came to mind... but where can you find creatures like that ? :-) Infact they are made by a unique technique of using special pencils on over a dozen sheets of tinted glass panels layered together creating a very bizarre sculptural image. Here is a picture from an exhibition view so you get a feeling how they are situated in space. They do look like aquariums, don't they ?


Unknown said...

This is truly amazing- beautiful and intricate. They truly look like sculptures. I love the glowing effect through the glass. They are like Extraterrestrial aquariums!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Ethan said...

Very Cool!