Sunday, February 3, 2008

the worst censorship is the self censorship

One should grasp the opportunity of freedom of speech. as henry rollins once said that online blogging has become major source responsible for the substantial shifts in culture in the last couple of decades- there is no better way of saying your version of the truth in this era when information is being censored and manipulated by higher instances. i always considered everyones voices should be heard even if it they seem like whisper in comparison to the rumbling noise of big medias.

Somehow, to me, online blogging has the sensibility of the zines we used to read/make back in the days. i admired the passion and energy put into those photocopied issues, bursting with substance and creativity and in that manner i would like to start my little humble blog- contribution to the online community by writing, thinking, discussing topics in art, life ... wonders of existence in general.

As a bottom line- we have to bring the passion of who we are and what we believe in.... in what we are saying! ...having all the strings in your hands now- the worst censorship would be the self censorship!


Anonymous said...

Ека има бела кожичка мека и е најубаво девојче од сите блогери.
Прекрасна си!

Unknown said...
